UTS:HELPS Booking System

Built with: NodeJS, NuxtJS, and Vue

HELPS Booking System is an online tool for UTS Helps Centre to organise its education services (workshops and consultations) for UTS students. During Software Engineering Studio 2A and 2B, a team of myself and 10 peers were put in charge of rebuilding the platform.

The team adopted best agile development practices, and engaged in weekly communication and collaboration with stakeholders, in order to ensure their needs were made a priority within the platform.

For this project I took the role of project manager, ensuring that tasks were efficiently scoped for each sprint and according to each of the team member's strengths.

For a few members, this was also their first time creating a web application. I decided to take the initiative to help and aid those students, teaching them the basics of web development and JavaScript outside of class hours.

Through our hard work and dedication, we achieved full marks for the assignment portion of Software Engineering Studio 2A and 2B - contributing to my final mark of 100 for both subjects.


Pictochat is an image-only discussion board. The purpose of the discussion board is to create a community for people across the world to communicate with each other through images, rather than words.

This project was built as part of an assignment within Advanced Internet Programming, which required us to build a full-stack application using JavaScript tools. For our stack we chose ReactJS (with MobX for state management), NodeJS and MongoDB.

Click the 'Read More' link below to read about how I investigated and improved the performance of our web application!

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HealthClientApp is a project that was made during Software Engineering Studio 1B and was built using Android Studio, JDK8 and Firebase. The application allows Doctors and Patients to communicate and collaborate through the comfort of an Android phone.

This was my first experience within University where I was required to play the role of team lead. Additionally this project also required me to step out of my comfort zone of web development and into the world of Android Studio and Java.

Code2Change Hackathon: SiqInvite

SiqInvite is a crowd-sourced zone-based local event feed, which aimed to provide young adults with assistance in finding relevant and popular activities currently occurring in their local area. This application was submitted as part of the UTS Code2Change Hackathon in 2019, and was aimed to tackle the problem of “improving recreation and community within the City of Sydney”.

We ended up placing 4th overall.

Code2Learn Hackathon: YouTS

YouTS is an activity recommendation and matchmaking system that aimed to provide students with a way to find university society events that were personally relevant or interesting to them, as well as offering a platform to be able to connect with other students and attend events with.

Features included an event matchmaking system using the 5 big personality traits (Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism), as well as the ability for group matchmaking.

This project was submitted to the UTS Code2Learn Hackathon in 2018 where we placed 4th.

UTS Game Jam 2018: Doggo Clicker

During 2018, The UTS Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology hosted their Inaugural Student Game Jam. It was a two-day event that required students to create a game from scratch in less than 30 hours.

Using the Phaser HTML5 game framework, myself and 2 friends created DoggoClicker - a simple incremental game where clicking the dog gives points.