For just over 2 years I was employed at iP Edge, a web consultancy company primarily focusing on web app and mobile development. They provide consultancy and contractual based work for numerous small businesses and start-ups, with the largest and notable being eBay.
Within this role, I was encouraged to step out of my comfort zone and into the world of full-stack development, utilising technologies such as C#, ASP.NET, .Net Core, SQL, jQuery and ReactJS. Additionally, working across a range of projects required me to effectively switch between different contexts in order to accommodate the different clients and stakeholders we provided our services to.
Introducing Automated Integration Testing
Within this report I investigated and assessed the impact and benefit of introducing automated integration testing into iP Edge’s Quality Assurance Process
WIL2 E2.8.3 Application of IT Report
Developing Cross-disciplinary Communication
DCC.E8.d - Collaborate effectively within multi-disciplinary teams including other professions in the workplace
As a practicing software engineer, it is essential to be able to convey thoughts and queries in a succinct manner to a wide range of people with ranging technical skills. Through my time at iP Edge, I have taken several steps to develop this skill, specifically when collaborating with stakeholders.
I wrote a personal reflection during my Initial Performance Review, noting that I needed to improve communication skills when asking questions and responding to stakeholder e-mails. I had developed a plan, focusing on breaking a message into three W’s – What, Why and Way.
A few weeks later, I was speaking with a client over e-mail regarding the addition of new features within his website. There was an issue with the current implementation of an alert box, that would be shown whenever a user would progress to the next stage of a form without saving their changes. He suggested a solution that – from a UX perspective – was unconventional.
In order to explain this to the client, I decided to use the ‘three W’s’ approach:
- What: I let him know that it was a good idea, but also suggested to use an alternative solution.
- Why: I then succinctly explained the reason why we should improve on his suggestion (in that it ‘removes ambiguity’).
- Way: Lastly, I provided an alternative solution that I believed will help remove the ambiguity.
Additionally, I decided to use the ‘Yes, and…’ approach, to ensure that I did not come off as dismissive to his ideas.
Due to my succinct and clear explanation, he agreed that it would be of benefit to improve the alert box. Ultimately, my effective use of communication skills ultimately allowed me to collaborate effectively with a client who has a differing profession to myself.